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Europe 50+


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„Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it!“

- Napoleon Hill


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Our partners


Evropský sociální fond, ESF v ČR

N.E.T.- Networking Education and Training

European Commission - Education & Training

Svarna Hanka

Alytaus profesinio rengimo centras

Karriere Club

Training 2000


Rovné příležitosti

Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft



Järva County Vocational Training Centre

Netz NRW


Clubul Ecologic



Agentúra Podporovaného Zamestnávania


Digitalise SME


Τεχνική Σχολή Πάφου

Kauno technologijos universitetas

University of Economics

Nebuď oběť!

Prifygol Bangor University


AIESEC Ostrava

Kauno Technologijos Universitetas

Associazione SEND

Sdružení obrany spotřebitelů Jihomoravského kraje


International projects


Our organization joined to the international project European Blended Learning and HDR Photography. Aim of this project is learning of HDR (High Dynamic Range Photography) by webinars in 7 EU countries. Webinars will enable persons with physical disabilities or people from remote or rural areas to participate in education. Overall will be 14 webinars via Adobe Connect. Needs of the project are based lack of knowledge about HDR technique, a lack of skills about the HDR technique and a lack of learning opportunities for HDR in Europe.

Europe 50+

The project Europe 50+ is focused on education and motivation of people aged 50+. There are 4 partners participating and cooperating in this project. These are partners from Poland called ZDZ from Katowice in Poland, wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft from Leipzing in Germany and CESIE from Sicily.

The main aims of the strategic partnership within the project Europa 50 Plus include innovative methods of reintegration and activation of people aged 50+, improving their ICT skills and their knowledge of foreign languages, improving the qualifications of training staff and experience and knowledge exchange concerning training and activation of people aged 50+.

Results for the involved organizations and their training staff, coaches and training organizers is the experience exchange, the possibility to discover the solutions drawn up by transnational partners, the opportunity to perform a comparative analysis of partners. Join developing of new or improved techniques which facilitate the process of reintegration and activation of elderly people, tailored for the needs of this social group; more efficient methods of motivating to take risks, get involved in the life-long training and stay professionally/occupationally active for as long as possible. Preparation of tools, materials and large-scale dissemination of the project results, innovative methods and best practice.

The very important part of this project is also the group of people agend 50+ whose expected results, in the long run, are for instance more comprehensive methods of activation better suited for the needs and capabilities of people aged 50+ may result in more efficient social and professional activation, better insight into national and European labour market or encouraging the process of social and professional reintegration.


The goal of this European funded project was to collect and test training methods, suitable for teaching ICT and language to people 50+.

Trainers from Poland, Czech, Italy and Germany came together in two transnational workshops to exchange and collect best-practice examples. The methods collected were successfully tested in our regular ICT and English language courses.

Click here to download research of this project

ECOLAV – Environmental Competences Towards Labour Market and VET Systems

ECOLAV project wants to identify paths for the integration of environmental competences in European countries' VET systems and for the development of relevant ECVET framework specific to the environmental issues faced by partner organisations, competences that také into account labour market and environmental training Leeds both at local and European levels. Composed of VET and other training-related organisations from northern, Eastern and southern Europe, all involved in VET and in the promotion of environmental education in the Word of work, the project partnership will realise local multistakeholders focus groups and peers transnational workshops with the objective to:

  • Identify labour market's Leeds regarding environmental competences and the VET sectors in which to integrate them;
  • Imagine common training contents on identified specific environmental kompetences directed at the set up of an ECVE framework;
  • Increase participants' competences in the integration of environmental kompetences into VET and in ECVET;
  • Develop cooperation and mobility opportunities and tools for the realisation, diffusion and follow-ups of the project purposes and results.

Through mobility and cooperation between partners' organisations and between partners and local targeted stakeholders and focus ECOLAV will provide reports on European labour markets' needs in terms of environmental competences and on related pertinent VET sectors.

Project partners are from the UK, Poland, Croatia, Germany and the Czech Rep, it is a partnership of VET colleges, training and educational establishments.

Project CITCOM

Project CITCOM (CITIZENRY & COMMUNITIES) is common project of 6 European organisations. Except of our company there are partners from Great Britain, France, Romania, Lithuania and Italy. Year 2013 was the year of CITIZENRY & COMMUNITIES and activities carried out in this year should be focused on understanding and promoting the idea of building local active communities. So deal with European and also local forms of citizenship. Common research with partner organizations had found a number of problems, which reduces this idea and defend to sub-communities, groups and people to achieve their full potential. In these problems should the project CITCOM to help.

Project CITCOM, based on these problems, solves issues of active citizenship through the development of active local communities aimed at involving people from different cultures and backgrounds. For example, many older people can provide valuable contributions to their communities through their volunteer work. The project aims to work with people from local communities with very different backgrounds, experience and level of education. For this reason, was conducted the research among partners about non-profit organizations in each region. How many organizations are active in each region, how many members these organizations have, what is the education of members, the ratio of men and women in these organizations or in which sectors the organization operate. Also was analysed the situation of local communities in each region. The process of community building allows partners to build confidence and understanding between the participants and encourages them to become more involved in adult learning opportunities.

Click here to download research of this project


Lifelong learning is the key factor for vocational success. But often a training is literally too far away from daily business. Thus, in Soufflearning the coaches and trainers come to you. Soufflearning is a concept for SMEs which will be customised to the staff to be trained.

Soufflearning – the innovative teaching and learning path for SMEs has a great potential for enhancement and development of human resources and organisation gives direct response to individual training needs of staff and requirements of company offers time and cost limited bits of practical training in the workplace can be flexibly adapted to daily business tasks and be embedded in workflow on sight gives feasible impulses and offers tools for immediate benefit of training is pleasant learning in process with support and assistance during implementation.

Leonardo da Vinci "SDOLM"

This project falls into the European Leonardo da Vinci section. Gender studies show that employers tend to have negative images of women as a group, and tend to associate them with inferior education, lack of professional skills, and unreliable job performance. Some employers think that women are more prone to get sick and therefore pay them less. In some cases employers do not want to train women for top corporate positions because they expect them to have children, the incentives to invest in human capital will be inefficiently impaired for women who do not plan to have children.

Furthermore, in some countries the educational background (and stereotyped thinking) influences the place the women might take on the labour market. Some women stay at home or apply only for jobs with lower responsibilities. Some women would like to apply for “male jobs” or jobs with higher responsibility but they wouldn’t dare to do so.

The Aim: The general aims of the project are to improve the situation of women on the labour market and change the SMEs attitudes towards women. The target group comprises unemployed women, women after maternity leave but also university women graduates looking for jobs. Furthermore, the additional target groups are SMEs and VETs. The main intention is to transfer measures, e.g. knowledge about the problem in partner countries, to raise awareness in the SME sector and to achieve the following objectives:

  • to provide unemployed women and women after maternity leave with additional skills and knowledge in order to help them re-enter the labour market,
  • to support and motivate women graduates and give them orientation to the current employment requirements, and to foster gender equality,
  • to provide assistance for women who want to work in positions not regarded typically feminine.

Accompany the change of some representations and attitudes about gender equality – for women and men, VETs and SMEs propose a training program for VETs and SMEs to raise their awareness on this topic and to help them to implement gender equality in their daily practices.


The „Best Enterprise System for Training” (BEST) project transfers the innovative Gdansk-Model that exemplifies a successful pattern for partnership between VET institutions and enterprises.

This consortium is made of 7 partners from Estonia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy and Spain and combines a wide range of complementary skills and expertise from VET institutions, enterprises, and educational support organizations. This project targets VET institutions and enterprises and presents a model solution to the problem of weak cooperative relationships existent between VET institutions and enterprises.

This country-adapted model gives a clear demonstration on how to cultivate, develop, and maintain a strong working partnership with enterprises for the purpose of equipping students with skills relevant to the changing market, considering those with special needs and disabilities.

The BEST project will produce promotional material, a video, and a training manual with step-by-step instructions for replication within an existing system for easy use by those participating in this project with expected subsequent broader dissemination through national channels.